565M $CAD
5.65億 $CAD

TOP 1% Realtor in Greater Vancouver, #1 sales volume in Royal Pacific Realty 2019
2019年怡富地產集團,成交量第一,是唯一進入溫哥華地產局Top 1%的頂級金牌經紀

On March12, 2020, Royal Pacific Realty published a full page Ad to congratulate all top producers of the company on two main local newpapers SingTao and MingPao.

Yvonne Lu is the #1 in sales volume and is the only one in the whole company that is ranked on the TOP 1% of All the Great Vancouver Realtors for the year of 2019.

2020年3月10日,【星島日報】和【明報】当地两大中文報紙刊登全版彩業,以表彰加拿大西海岸最大地产集团Royal Pacific 的傑出地產經紀人!由于強劲的亚洲买家市场,怡富地产集团拥有众多的杰出华裔地产经纪!




Three Times Success Expreience with Yvonne

My wife and I have been buying and selling real estate for many years and we have been worked with many real estate agents. We were hesitant when we first met Yvonne, but her professionalism soon impressed us. After Yvonne did one successful sell for us in 4 days, I was thrilled by her efficiency. Yvonne and her team were diligent in preparing my 95 year old house in Mackenzie Heights and showed it's best face in the promotion brochures. The result was amazing since it was sold above the asking in less than a week!

The second house Yvonne sold for us is even more dramatic. It was for my land value property in Kitsilano. There were a total of 5 offers competing for the property; however, I was not satisfied with any of them. After I turned down all of them, Yvonne sat down with me and sincerely asked me what price would make me happy. I wrote down my price on a blank offer. Yvonne asked me to allow her several hours to do the job. I was truly in doubt, but I decided to give it a try. To my surprise, about three hours later, Yvonne came back with a signed cash offer and a $130K deposit bank-draft in her hand! My wife and I were both overjoyed by the good news; we could hardly believe it was happening! Since then, we have our full confidence in Yvonne and her team’s capabilities, which have been proved once again in our most recent sell.

The market was evidently slowing down when we put our new house on the market due to the foreign 15% PTT (Property Transfer Tax) policy. However, Yvonne and her team were determined to do the best for us! Yvonne hired a professional staging company to make the empty house warm and inviting. Right after the first open house, we got an offer. Two weeks later, we had a firm deal and were very happy with the selling price!

We strongly recommend Yvonne and her Team’s service to anyone who is considering to sell their real estate properties!

-- Dr. Mohsen (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]

我和太太喜歡從事地產投資,跟很多地產經紀合作過。第一次跟Yvonne合作,有些猶豫,但對她專業的地產服務及態度印象深刻。幾天後發生的事情更令我震驚及佩服:只用了4天,她和她的地產團隊,就成功將我在溫哥華西區Mackenzie Heights的一所95年的房子賣出。我們也喜歡她幫我房子製作的精美廣告及推廣計劃。


嚐到投資甜頭後,我們花重金建造了一個溫哥華西區高科技別墅,然後請Yvonne幫我們賣這個房子。時機可不巧,我們碰到這次地產熱的寒冬。溫哥華出了一個外國人買房需要支付15%的物業轉讓稅,這真讓我整天憂心忡忡。Yvonne她也挺犯愁,努力想辦法盡早賣掉房子。最後,她請專業裝修公司設計佈置了我們的房子,重點體現豪華、溫暖舒適、高科技的家的理念。 完工後的第一個開放日,我們就收到購買合約;兩個星期後,Yvonne又一次給了令我們非常滿意價格,成功售出房子!


-- Mohsen博士


We hired Yvonne and her team of realtors because she appeared to be very active in the Vancouver West market and particularly in our neighbourhood.  Of the several professionals we had interviewed before listing our home, she stood out from the rest with her understanding of our target market, her engaging personality, and attention to detail.

Although the market conditions were beginning to deteriorate by the time we listed our property, Yvonne was able to quickly generate considerable interest with her contacts in the market, social media marketing, and buyers who were already working with her.

In the end, we sold our house in three weeks at a good price, and were able to achieve our goals from the sale and move on to the next stage of our lives. For Yvonne’s hard work and capability on our behalf, we will always be grateful and we will not hesitate to recommend her to others.

-- Mr. H. Kang (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
Vancouver West Point Grey Testimonial for Realtor Yvonne Lu

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]

我和太太決定顧請Yvonne和她的地產團隊,是因為Yvonne非常熟悉溫哥華西區Point Grey的市場,特別是我們家附近這一地段。在我們賣房子之前,我們面試了一些著名地產經紀,Yvonne憑著她對當地房產市場的深入了解,嚴謹專注的專業精神,及對買家市場推廣方面的獨到見解,令她在眾多經紀中奪穎而出,成為我們的賣房經紀。



-- Mr. H. Kang


We are so happy that we finally upgraded our home as we had planned to do years ago. We are grateful to our realtor Yvonne Lu, for without her expertise and hard work, we wouldn’t have been able to make it!

Yvonne made a strong impression on us when we first met. She listened to our needs and thoroughly analyzed our situation. Yvonne proposed a very effective strategy regarding both buying and selling, which we followed exactly. Everything worked out perfectly. We successfully Sold, and successfully Bought! And during the whole process, we witnessed Yvonne’s hard work, dedication and wisdom in making the plan working for us!

What also impressed us is that during the property selection stage, Yvonne looked at properties from our perspective and was straightforward with telling us what not to buy. When it came to deal negotiations, Yvonne always stood on our side and used her strength and experience to get a deal as good as possible for us! We really appreciated that.

We are proud to have Yvonne and her team as our realtor, and would sincerely recommend Yvonne Lu Group to anyone who is looking for a true real estate professional!

-- John Morrison / Julia Zhang (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
John Morrison & Julia Zhang's Testmonial for their Realtor Yvonne Lu in Vancouver

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]

我們置換過幾次房產物業,曾与多個房产經紀合作过,只有Yvonne Lu團隊的服务,最讓我們感受到真正的專業精神,与全心全意為客戶著想的态度。

在合作的過程中,Yvonne始終認真聆聽我們的意願,再從她專業的經驗給出誠懇的建議與方案。我們買房賣房同步進行, 每一套方案都有許多的細節與工作要做,Yvonne團隊始終將我們的利益放在第一位,一步一步地執行到位。Yvonne 是一位值得信赖的好经纪!


-- John Morrison / Julia Zhang


因为与Yvonne的合作,我们在两个月之中,完成了三件大事:高价卖出了一套房、合理的价格买进了一套房、并且拿到了2.75的贷款利率。 要知道这三件事中的任何一件,在2018年都是奇迹。


我和先生因为各种原因,需要在2018年5月出售在Richmond路边的一套7个房间的独立屋。我们找到了Yvonne。她知道情况后,第二天就登门拜访,以做课题研究的专业和细致,深刻分析了当下时局。 她明确告诉我们,2018年的独立屋市场是风雨飘摇的。但当时是初夏,人们对于夏天的来临,有人乐观,有人悲观,是最好的出手时机。并且量身定做了方案。我和先生即刻同意了这个方案。 因为我们明白这个方案里的含金量,其中有Yvonne20几年的专业知识、有熟练运用的社会学和心理学技巧、还有对时局的准确把握、更重要的是其中包含了她对自己客户一颗真诚的心。

果然不出所料,我们的房子在10天内,以高于叫价30万卖出。售出价是市场高位的标准价格,根本想不到是在地产界一片哀嚎的2018年。 Yvonne和她的团队是可爱的,因为房子卖出去的时候,他们比我们更高兴,她全然把自己的每一个案例当做自己的作品来精心打造。我们作为客户的感激之情难以言语。



在这样的努力下,我们当然顺利的买到了房子,但问题又来了。我和先生都不是新移民,在严格的贷款政策下,Yvonne为了让我们贷到更多款,有更多的现金可以作为他用,动用了自己人脉里所有资源,就是为了让我们找到最优的选项。 在这样的努力下,结果一定是完满的。 就是因为与Yvonne的合作,我们在两个月之中,完成了三件大事:高价卖出了一套房、合理的价格买进了一套房、并且拿到了2.75的贷款利率。 要知道这三件事中的任何一件,在2018年都是奇迹。

所以,透过事实看本质,这些奇迹的背后是Yvonne的为人和那颗善良的心。 感恩的我常常感谢Yvonne,而她这么说:帮顾客买房买房其实是客户对我极大的信任,我之所为都是应当之举。人赋我真心,我当赋人以真情。


-- 谢章 2018年9月 温哥华 (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
xiezhang's Testimonial for his Realtor Yvonne Lu in Vancouver


Sold my two-year-unsold apartment in one week

I have known Yvonne Lu for a long time, so when I came to list my 10 year old Yaletown apartment, I didn’t want to use Yvonne, since she was a friend of mine, and I thought it would be awkward to talk to a friend in a business-like way. Within 3 years, I had hired two agents sequentially, and listened to one agent’s suggestion to spent $10K to change the floor to hardwood flooring. The property still couldn’t be sold. The only price I ever received is an oral offer at $1.2 Million.

I was frustrated. One day, I finally brought Yvonne into my apartment for her opinion. To my surprise, Yvonne told me that she immediately knew what was wrong as she stepped into the room! I then learned that as a realtor, Yvonne not only has loads of experience since she was in real estate business way back in China, but she also has a background of oil painting, so she is sensitive to a space regarding whether it’s cold or inviting. I gave Yvonne the task of selling, hoping she can make a difference for me!

I went back to New York after I gave the key to Yvonne. One week later, I received photos from her through email. I was shocked to see those beautiful photos, couldn’t believe my eyes that this was my same old apartment! On the first day of Open House, I got an offer at $1,36M. Yvonne then helped me to negotiate the price to $1.428M! I was thrilled! Just for one week, for the same property, I got $228,000 more! ($1,428M -$1.2M) It was indeed a miracle to me! Now I have to say, Yvonne is not only a good friend, but she is also truly a good realtor! I would love to recommend Yvonne to anyone who is thinking of selling! She will be the person you can always trust, and she will fight with you, shoulder by shoulder, for your best interest!

-- Yukie (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]



房子交給Yvonne後,我到了紐約。一星期後,我收到她幫我裝飾佈置過度房子照片,我簡直不相信照片上的漂亮房子就是我的房子(後來才知,她的藝術審美觸角,來源於她曾經的油畫繪畫經驗)。在房子開放日的第一天,我就收到一個$136萬的購房合約。Yvonne幫我談判議價,最後以$142.8萬成交。我實在是太高興了:兩年都沒賣掉的房子,她一星期就賣掉,還多賣 $22.8萬($142.8-$120),真是奇蹟!


-- Yukie


8 years, 3 agencies, listed 6 times, unsold! Yvonne sold it in 10 days

From 2008 to 2015, during 8 years, I hired 3 agents to sell my townhouse in UBC. They listed my property for 6 times, but all of them just couldn’t get my property sold! All the agents told me that my property has one major problem: the cooking stove being installed in the center of the room, with a cooking range sucking the smoke from below, which most people don’t like.

In an open house in UBC in the spring of 2015, I met Yvonne and was impressed by how passionate she is about real estate. I told Yvonne that I had a property that no one could sell in 8 years, and I asked Yvonne if she had interest to help me to sell it. In only 10 days, Yvonne sold my UBC Townhouse! And with a very good price! Both my husband and I were very satisfied with Yvonne’s outstanding service!

I see why Yvonne can sell my property in such a short time. Yvonne is passionate about the property she is selling, and she knows how to find shining points of a property and selling them in a right way! I won’t hesitate to recommend Yvonne to anyone who needs to sell their properties. She can help them just like she helped me!

-- Sophie Chang (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]

從2008年到2015年,在這8年裡,我總共顧了3個地產經紀,去賣我在UBC大學的城市屋。 他們幫我掛牌6次出售,但都沒能賣出!他們都說我的房子有一個大問題:廚房的爐頭在房間的中心,大多數買家都不喜歡。

在2015年的一個房屋開放日,我遇到了Yvonne。 她對房地產銷售的那股熱情,使我印象非常深刻。 我忍不住問她是否有興趣賣我8年都沒賣掉的房子。 在短短10天,她就幫我成功賣掉了!還賣了一個非常好的價錢!我的先生和我高興壞了,對Yvonne高效的服務非常滿意!


-- Sophie Chang


After living in the same house for 30 years since we immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong, we finally planned to downsize our home and put our house for sale last year. But it wasn’t successful.

In the spring of 2020, my wife and I decided to interview agents again in the hope of finding a professional to help us to achieve the goal. Among the realtors interviewed, Yvonne’s integrity and selling strategies made a deep impression on us. We hired Yvonne.

At Yvonne’s suggestion, we prepared our house in its most presentable way …. to be honest, my house had never been so organized and neat. Yvonne then launched mass marketing campaigns for our house. Yvonne told us that the first 10 days would be very intensive in private showings, and she was right!

On the 10th day of the listing, we got 32 offers in total, pleasantly shocking us!

Working till midnight, Yvonne and her team helped us negotiate with all the offers until we got the best offer that we were satisfied with. Yvonne also negotiated terms in our favour that allowed us enough time to relocate our next home!

With Yvonne’s well planned strategy, our house was successfully sold in 11 days, just 4 days before Canada Covid-19 outbreak, with most houses having very limited showings after the social distancing rule applied. We feel very lucky to have Yvonne!

We would strongly recommend Yvonne and her team, truly!

-- Mr. Arthur Tong (Actual Testimonial / 看原件) selling strategies made a deep impression on us


My property in South Granville was listed for 6 months in a hot market season but could not get sold. I searched online and found Yvonne Lu, who is working on the westside. I wasn’t sure if she could sell the property, since the market had started to slow down. I decided to interview Yvonne and her team. When we first met, I was impressed by Yvonne’s wide reaching marketing tools and her deep connections with Asian communities! I gave Yvonne and her Team a 3 month listing period for the selling job. I found Yvonne to be very active and diligent in preparing the property as well as in the selling process! To my surprise, Yvonne and her Team sold my property in 10 days! And at a price that surpassed my expectations! I would strongly recommend Yvonne and her Team’s incredible service to anyone who needs help in their property selling!

-- Jeff Wong (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
Jeff's Testimonial for his Realtor Yvonne Lu in Vancouver


Thank you for helping us to realize our dreams - a quick sale, amazing price. Your continual efforts were above + beyond what we hoped for, + your help in getting past the hurdles of selling are endlessly appreciated. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

With gratitude,

-- Ryan + Michelle (Actual Testimonial / 看原件) amazing price

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]

非常感謝你幫我們實現了我們想要的夢想:快速的銷售和令人興奮的賣價。你不懈的努力遠超過我們的期望, ... 誠致以無限的感激。

-- Ryan & Michelle

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #10

Dear Yvonne & Team,

Thank you all for making this miracle happen!!!

Your hard work and demonstration of professionalism are very much appreciated!!

Best regards,

-- Kitty (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
Kitty's Testimonial for his Realtor Yvonne Lu in Vancouver

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #11

I am so grateful for all your time and effort in doing such an excellent job of promoting the sale of my place and appreciate it so very much. Perhaps in the spring I will list again - still with you if you are insterested.

In the meantime I shall continue to recommend you highly to family and friends. To me you are the best realtor ever!

-- Mary ( Actual Testimonial / 看原件) highly recommend

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]

... 我會一直不斷地向親戚朋友推薦你。在我心中,你是我遇到過最好的地產經紀!

-- Mary

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #12

We are very happy that we have walked through the selling/buying journey together with you, found our dream home, and greatly appreciated for your understanding, patience, professional knowledge and of all your hard working.

Thank you!

-- Xu Xi and Liyi (Actual Testimonial / 看截圖) highly recommend

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]


-- Xu Xi and Liyi

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #13

Many thanks Yvonne. We also thank you for your help in finding apartment. It's very good deal and we really appreciate your agency service. Very professional and informative.

-- Handoko (Actual Testimonial / 看截圖) highly recommend

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]


-- Handoko

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #14


-- George Zhang (Actual Testimonial / 看截圖) highly recommend

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #15

I have worked with Yvonne twice in selling properties in Vancouver area and cannot say enough about her  dedication, knowledge, industry savvy, and the great supporting team she has.  Yvonne is fast in actions and responses.  From the initial meeting, everything was made clear and great advice was given in relation to all aspects of sale.

I am extremely satisfied with the expertise, attentiveness, warmth and professionalism Yvonne put into this selling process and would strongly recommend Yvonne to anyone looking not just a great but exceptional realtor.  On top of all, Yvonne is amazingly efficient and proactive in helping things run smoothly behind the scenes as well.  Thank you Yvonne for making my experience so pleasant and extremely positive.

-- Lillian Tseng (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
My testimonial for Vancouver Realtor Yvonne Lu

[ Translation in Chinese / 中文譯文 ]



TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #16

I immigrated to Canada nineteen years ago and lived in a townhome at the beginning. As my family grew, I realized that we needed a bigger place. However, it was not an easy task to sell our townhome and buy a new detached home at the same time. For one, as working parents, we didn’t have time to browse around to find a new home. Second, our income could barely keep up with Vancouver’s rising house price. But we are glad to have Yvonne as our realtor.

Things became easier, thanks to Yvonne’s help. Yvonne understood our needs and she tailored a perfect plan for us. She helped us find our new home which was the exact house we wanted: five bedrooms just fit our family, a large backyard for kids to run around, a quiet location, and a price within our budget. Most importantly, Yvonne’s excellent negotiation skills made a seamless transition for the sale of our townhome and the purchase of the new home. That was quite a financial relief for us.

Thank you Yvonne! We really appreciate your hard work!

-- Candy L. (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
My testimonial for Vancouver Realtor Yvonne Lu

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #17






-- 柳 红 2017-04-11 (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #18

Dear Yvonne

Just a note to thank you again for your fantastic professionalism and expertise. Here is a small token of thanks. When the time is right and will definitely call you and James.

Very Sincerely

-- Toni Stanick (Actual Testimonial / 看原件) fantastic professionalism and expertise

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #19


-- Lily (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
推薦溫哥華地產經紀 Yvonne Lu

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #20


-- Ms. Wu (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
推薦溫哥華地產經紀 Yvonne Lu

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #21

感谢大家这段时间的努力 这个市场环境下能有这样的价格我们非常满意 你们这个团队真厉害

和你们合作是件很愉快的事情 很专业认真的团队 也在你们身上学到了很多专业精神 和LANCE很幸运遇到你们

-- Lance (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)
推薦溫哥華Top 1%地產經紀 Yvonne Lu

TESTIMONIAL / 客戶感言 #22



我们从今年四月份开始规划换一个小一点的房子来居住,并逐渐过渡到退休生活。从五月份开始,我们就挂牌出售我们居住的South Granville房子,遗憾的是我们我们犯了一个大的错误所托非人,先前委托的经纪不仅没有卖出我们的房子,还错过了最好的销售时机,由卖家市场转换成了买家市场。

经朋友介绍我们认识了你,并有幸委托你成为我们的卖房经纪。从委托你到以我们满意的价格成功售出只用了不足两周的时间。在这短短的时间里, 市场进一步放缓, 价格开始走低, 买家多在观望的背景之下, 你沉着镇静,深入分析形势, 精密组织团队, 认真制定方案, 巧妙谋划策略,用高超的谈判技巧, 取得了令我们非常满意的结果,我们知道,在市场放缓的情况下有如此的好结果绝非易事,在我们几十年所委托的房屋经纪中,你堪称第一人,你是大温最佳经纪。

我们深深敬佩,在此再次感谢。 并祝你末来业务更加发达, 业务蒸蒸日上, 嬴取更多殊荣!

-- Annie 2021-06-24 (Actual Testimonial / 看原件)


Just Sold for 2 Million More Than The Asking Price in Two Weeks
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
超過叫價 2百萬 將豪宅成功售出, 只用了兩星期
- 溫哥華西區物業,近卑詩大學

Want to Know How and Sell Your Property in Top Dollar?
Contact Me / 聯繫魯藝